Know Hawaii weather before visiting

Are you planning a trip to Hawaii? You might wonder how you to best prepare for this trip. One aspect of Hawaii you have to keep in mind as you make your preparations is the Hawaii  weather. Knowing the weather of any country before traveling is key in shaping your preparations. It keeps you mindful of what to expect and thus how to prepare for it. It also guides your packing list with the kinds of clothing and accessories to carry.

Hawaii weather Temperatures

In Hawaii, the weather is not extreme but rather consistent across the years and thus easily predictable by travelers. Hawaiians experience two seasons. The first one, Summer,  run’s from the end of April to the end of September. Winter begins at the end of October and goes to the beginning of April. During summer, the day temperatures usually average 29° at sea level. This, however, drops to about 25° for winter creating a considerably narrow difference between the seasons.

Trade winds

The weather patterns in Hawaii are mainly influenced by northern pacific high-pressure zones. These blow cool and moist winds towards the islands. The heights of the mountains force the winds up the slope where condensation occurs. This produces rainfall that feeds the islands. Most of the rainfall is received on the windward side of the mountains. This rain brings about the green and rich environment that is characteristic of Hawaii. November to December then January to March are the wettest periods in Hawaii. However, due to the localized nature of the weather, vacation disruptions are very minimal.


The action of the waves greatly varies across the different coasts and also seasonally. In summer, you will experience gentle waters on every beach. During winter you will experience big waves as the ocean is driven to swell in the direction of the islands. In spite of that, the action of these waves is usually localized which means one beach might be experiencing the big waves while the other is very calm due to sheltering. It is important however to be mindful of strong currents when visiting the beaches as they can pose a great danger to your safety.

One beautiful feature that characterizes Hawaii as with many other islands is the diversity of animals and plants it possesses. Facilitated by the variations in weather along the different altitudes and the shielding brought about by mountains, the place boasts with sunny beaches, alpine zones, and rainforest in just a short stretch, which is beautiful to behold, isn’t it? With the trade winds always blowing up the slopes, the island is always cool. The trade winds come to a complete stop a few times in the year resulting to fairly hot weather.